6341887: Inflater can't handle ByteBuffer - first webrev

Martin Kirst martin.kirst at s1998.tu-chemnitz.de
Mon Apr 16 20:43:01 UTC 2012

Am 14.04.2012 10:28, schrieb Martin Kirst:
> Hi,
> [...]
> WebRev here:
> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/52514330/6341887/webrev.00/index.html
> Feedback is welcome.

Thanks for all your feedback.

Today, I've send my signed OCA to oracle-ca_us(at)oracle.com.

>From all your feedback I've caught the following tasks for me:
 * BB.position() should be set not to limit,
   but number of (in|de)flated bytes insteand
 * the if-clause for FLUSH options can be shortened
   and should be kept as integers (not enums)
 * the (bbuffer==null) guarding if statement is superfluous
 * creating test cases
 * ArrayIndexOutOfBounds check should be an assert
 * last if-else-else-clause for not direct ByteBuffer.get() is incorrect
 * consider refactoring native parts considering DRY
 * because of the missing #setInput(ByteBuffer) methods,
   I will create MappedBuffer(De|In)flater (my proposal for class name)
   which will be specialized classes from Abstract(In/Deflater)
   Thus the specialized implementations hopefully will be more clear.

And last but not least,
it seems that Sherman will be my sponsor, will he?

I was pleased to read your valuable feedback
and being (somehow) part of the team :-)


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