RFR [7u8] (JAXP): 7191547 : XMLEventFactory.newFactory(String factoryId, ClassLoader loader) does not work as expected

Joe Wang huizhe.wang at oracle.com
Fri Aug 17 04:07:55 UTC 2012

In the patch for 6756677, we fixed errors in StAX's input and output 
factories where factoryId such as 'javax.xml.stream.XMLInputFactory" was 
taken as factory class e.g. 
com.sun.xml.internal.stream.XMLInputFactoryImpl.  Unfortunately, we 
missed XMLEventFactory in that patch.

So this is a patch for XMLEventFactory similar to that of 
XMLInputFactory and XMLOutputFactory.  The change itself is to search an 
implementation class using the provided factory id instead of trying to 
create a instance directly.

The webrev is here:  http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~joehw/7u8/7191547/webrev/

All tests pass except two XMLEventFactory tests that assumed the 
factoryId to mean factory class. They will be updated once this patch is 


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