CFR: javax.xml.parsers: Using ServiceLoader to load JAXP parser factories (7169894: JAXP Plugability Layer: using service loader)

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Wed Dec 5 14:45:16 UTC 2012

On 04/12/2012 15:55, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
> So that would be the wording:
>      * Uses the service-provider loading facilities, defined by the
>      * {@link java.util.ServiceLoader} class, to attempt to locate
>      * and load an implementation of the service. If there are
>      * providers other than the implementation specific default
>      * located, then the first provider that is
>      * not the default is instantiated and returned; Otherwise
>      * the default implementation is returned if it is on the
>      * classpath or installed as an extension.
> This however suggests that in JDK 8 the default implementation
> *needs* to be put on the classpath or installed as an extension.
> But is that right?
> Wouldn't that be required only when running with a profile in
> which the default implementation is not present by default?
> Maybe we need to find yet a better wording.
> -- daniel
It might be better to just leave it as "Otherwise the default 
implementation is returned".


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