Review Request: 8004201: add reducers to primitive type wrappers

Vitaly Davidovich vitalyd at
Wed Dec 5 21:42:01 UTC 2012

Regarding Character methods; it's unorthodox but some people use them as
"fake" unsigned shorts.  Whether that's enough to justify adding
sum/max/min, I don't know.

Sent from my phone
On Dec 5, 2012 4:28 PM, "Akhil Arora" <akhil.arora at> wrote:

> Updated -**akhil/8004201.1/webrev/<>
> - delegate to Math.min/max for int/long/float/double
> - rename Boolean.and/or/xor to logicalAnd/logicalOr/**logicalXor
> - removed Character variants of min/max/sum
> On 12/02/2012 05:50 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>> Hi Akhil,
>> Is it really necessary/desirable to flag all of these as " Suitable for
>> conversion as a method reference to functional interfaces such as ..." ?
> Not necessary, but it does provide a hint as to their intended use to a
> casual browser of these docs.
>  This style:
>> +     * @param   a   a boolean argument.
>> +     * @param   b   another boolean argument.
>> is at odds with the style used elsewhere for new Functional APIs, and
>> with the style of other methods in these classes. Can we just use "first
>> operand" and "second operand" for all of these?
> It is consistent with Math.min/max, which use the a/b style. Since these
> methods are not in one of the functional package, is'nt it better to stick
> to the local style?
>  Character.sum does not make sense to me. Who adds together characters?
>> I'm not even sure min and max are worth supporting for Character.
> Good point - removed these methods for Character.
>  I disagree with other suggestions to use the Math functions for
>> float/double. I think all these methods should use the underlying
>> primitive operator regardless of type.
> Are you disagreeing only for float/double or for int/long also? Can you
> provide more information as to why you disagree?
> Thanks
>  Thanks,
>> David
>> -----
>> On 1/12/2012 4:44 AM, Akhil Arora wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> Requesting review for some basic functionality related to lambdas -
>>> Add min, max, sum methods to the primitive wrapper classes - Byte,
>>> Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double and Character so as to be able to
>>> use them as reducers in lambda expressions. Add and, or, xor methods to
>>> Boolean.
>>> Thanks

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