RFR: 8004317 TestLibrary.getUnusedRandomPort() fails intermittently, but exception not reported

Jim Gish jim.gish at oracle.com
Thu Dec 6 00:02:56 UTC 2012

Thanks Stuart.  Sure - go ahead and make the change and do the push.  
Maybe we'll get lucky with the nightlies!

Thanks again,
On 12/05/2012 06:54 PM, Stuart Marks wrote:
> OK, looks better, more explicit so that we can find out why this is 
> failing.
> There's still a subtle issue in the reporting though. Consider if on 
> attempt N the ServerSocket call gets a valid port but it's one of the 
> reserved ports. Then, unusedRandomPort will be >= 0 and 
> isReservedPort() will be true, so we'll get the "INFO" message.
> Now on attempt N+1 suppose ServerSocket throws an exception. We'll get 
> the exception stack trace, but then unusedRandomPort will still have 
> its previous value, and we'll get the INFO message again, but 
> spuriously this time. I hate to ask you to update this again, but as 
> it stands I think the output will be quite confusing.
> I think setting unusedRandomPort back to -1 at the top of the loop 
> should fix it.
> You need me to push this for you? I can drop in this change before I 
> push, if you're OK with me doing this.
> s'marks
> On 12/5/12 12:51 PM, Jim Gish wrote:
>> Here's a new version for your consideration :-)
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jgish/Bug8004317-TestLibrary-getUnusedRandomPort-Failure/ 
>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Ejgish/Bug8004317-TestLibrary-getUnusedRandomPort-Failure/> 
>> Thanks,
>>     Jim
>> On 12/05/2012 02:45 PM, Stuart Marks wrote:
>>> On 12/5/12 8:41 AM, Jim Gish wrote:
>>>> BTW printStackTrace() prints to standard error by default -- that's 
>>>> why I don't
>>>> explicitly have it in there.
>>> Oh yes, so it does. Sorry, I was confused.
>>> s'marks
>> -- 
>> Jim Gish | Consulting Member of Technical Staff | +1.781.442.0304
>> Oracle Java Platform Group | Core Libraries Team
>> 35 Network Drive
>> Burlington, MA 01803
>> jim.gish at oracle.com

Jim Gish | Consulting Member of Technical Staff | +1.781.442.0304
Oracle Java Platform Group | Core Libraries Team
35 Network Drive
Burlington, MA 01803
jim.gish at oracle.com

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