Review request: 8004042 : test failed on windows with access error.

David DeHaven david.dehaven at
Fri Dec 7 18:09:04 UTC 2012

>>>> (There's another issue which is that if there were previous retries, the ADEs from them are thrown away. But maybe we should save that one for another day.)
>>> I had the same thought, but aside from collecting and reporting all of them somehow I'm not sure what could be done about it.
>>> Maybe instead of:
>>>    cause = ade;
>>> do:
>>>    if (cause != null) {
>>>        cause.addSuppressed(ade);
>>>    } else {
>>>        cause = ade;
>>>    }
>>> Then they'll at least all be reported when RuntimeException is thrown.
>> Ah, ok, this isn't bad at all! Let's go with this.
> Sounds like a plan :)
>> Did you need somebody to push this for you?
> Kumar is going to push for me.

I updated the webrev, unfortunately I lost count and updated the same webrev so it's still at webrev.2. I'm doing a final sanity check and will submit a JPRT run when that's done.


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