8004371: (props) Properties.loadFromXML needs small footprint XML parser as fallback when JAXP is not present

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Fri Dec 7 22:14:09 UTC 2012

On 07/12/2012 19:38, Mandy Chung wrote:
> :
> Yay!  Properties no longer requires JAXP to be present in order to 
> load/store properties in XML format.  This looks okay to me.  Some 
> minor comments:
Thanks for going through it, I'll leave it Joe to respond as he did the 

> :
> As you mentioned, there is still a good bit of clean-up required and I 
> skip the style and coding convention comments.  One question though - 
> jdk.internal.org.xml.sax.** are copied from JAXP source.  What should 
> the copyright years be?  It currently retains the same value from the 
> original copy.
As the package has changed then the end year should probably be changed 
(which should happen anyway when the script to do bulk updates is run 
>> One issue that I'm still mulling over, as least for the profiles 
>> effort, is whether to only include the fallback provider in the 
>> smallest profile as it won't be used otherwise. If the eventual size 
>> isn't too significant then it might not be worth it of course.
> Do you plan to include 
> jdk.internal.util.xml.BasicXmlPropertiesProvider in 
> META-INF/services/sun.util.spi.XmlPropertiesProvider?
> I guess you are referring to what makefile change should be depending 
> on the decision?
For profiles then I think it should only be in compact1 but that would 
complicate the build. It's something for David Holmes to comment on as 
he is doing the build work in jdk8/profiles. For modules then we can 
include it in the base module or else put it into its own service 
provider module.


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