Review request: 8003562: Provide a command-line tool to find static dependencies

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at
Sat Dec 15 00:35:00 UTC 2012

Thanks for your explanations Mandy.

Am 14.12.2012 21:54, schrieb Mandy Chung:
> On 12/14/2012 3:54 AM, Ulf Zibis wrote:
>> In many places the source is exhausting to read, e.g
>>         if (f.exists()) {
>>             ClassFileReader reader = ClassFileReader.newInstance(f);
>>             Archive archive = new Archive(f, reader);
>>             result.add(archive);
>>         }
>> could simply be:
>>         if (f.exists())
>>             result.add(new Archive(f, ClassFileReader.newInstance(f)));
>> ... also spreading around the variable definitions at different places.
> Fixed.

Other examples:
  484                 while (arg != null) {
  490                     arg = iter.hasNext() ? : null;
  491                 }
Could be:
  484                 for (; iter.hasNext(); arg = {
  491                 }
  224         Dependency.Finder finder = Dependencies.getClassDependencyFinder();
  238         findDependencies(finder, filter);
  273     private void findDependencies(Dependency.Finder finder,
  274                                   Dependency.Filter filter)
Could be:
  238         findDependencies(filter);
  273     private void findDependencies(Dependency.Filter filter) {
  274         Dependency.Finder finder = Dependencies.getClassDependencyFinder();
at least remove line 224 and use:
  238 findDependencies(Dependencies.getClassDependencyFinder(), filter);


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