Review request: 8003562: Provide a command-line tool to find static dependencies

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Mon Dec 17 15:23:30 UTC 2012

On 15/12/2012 01:30, Mandy Chung wrote:
> Having a second thought, it's a new tool and we need to learn its 
> options anyway.  I'd opt for consistency than familiarity and not to 
> have mixture of Unix-style and GNU-style options.  If no objection, I 
> will change it to --classpath for the initial push.
> Mandy
I looked through the webrev and I think it looks very good.

I mostly agree with your argument that this is a new tool and that we 
should be consistent with GNU-style options. So what was the final bid 
is, is it --classpath or --class-path? I guess it wouldn't do any harm 
to silently supporting -cp and -classpath as folks used to java* tools 
will probably use them without thinking.

One other thing is that is a bit out of date. That's not 
important of course as it will eventually go away.


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