EnumData space optimization in j.l.Class (JEP-146)

Peter Levart peter.levart at gmail.com
Mon Dec 17 22:31:08 UTC 2012

On 12/17/2012 10:26 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:
> On 12/17/12 7:36 AM, Peter Levart wrote:
>> Hi David and others,
>> Here's a patch that eliminates one of two fields in java.lang.Class, 
>> related to caching enum constants:
>> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/101777488/jdk8-tl/JEP-149.enum/webrev.01/index.html 
>> It does it by moving one field to a subclass of HashMap, which is 
>> referenced by a remaining field that serves two different 
>> purposes/stages of caching.
> Your observation of merging the enumConstants and 
> enumConstantDirectory is a good one.   I see that caching of 
> enumConstantDirectory is important as it's used by EnumMap and EnumSet 
> whose performance is critical (specified with constant time 
> operations).  I'm unsure about Class.getEnumConstants whether it's 
> performance critical and worths the complexity of your proposed fix 
> (the enumData field of two types).  If a class has cached an 
> enumConstantDirectory, Class.getEnumConstants can return a clone of 
> its values().
Hi again,

I think that the two-part caching (array-Map) was meant to save the 
creation of a HashMap if it was not needed and also to provide a shared 
array of constants for internal usage in order to spare from creating 
array clones.

> Anyone knows how Class.getEnumConstants is commonly used and needs to 
> be performant?  I suspect it's more typical to obtain the list of enum 
> constants statistically (calling Enum.values()) than reflectively.
> Mandy
>> These are the results of a micro-benchmark that exercises public API 
>> that uses the internal j.l.Class API regarding enum constants:
>> TEN }
>> EnumSet.noneOf(MyEnum.class): 300_000_000 loops
>> MyEnum.valueOf(String): 30_000_000 loops * 10 calls for different names
>> ** Original JDK8 code
>> Executing: /home/peter/Apps64/jdk1.8.0-jdk8-tl/bin/java -Xmx4G -cp 
>> ../out/production/test test.EnumTest reference
>>       EnumSet.noneOf(Class): 351610312 340302968 339893333 339774384 
>> 339750612 339558414 339547022 339621595
>>      MyEnum.valueOf(String): 935153830 897188742 887541353 960839820 
>> 886119463 885818334 885827093 885752461
>>       EnumSet.noneOf(Class): 339552678 339469528 339513757 339451341 
>> 339512154 339511634 339664326 339793144
>> ** patched java.lang.Class
>> Executing: /home/peter/Apps64/jdk1.8.0-jdk8-tl/bin/java -Xmx4G -cp 
>> ../out/production/test -Xbootclasspath/p:../out/production/jdk 
>> test.EnumTest
>>       EnumSet.noneOf(Class): 351724931 339286591 305082929 305042885 
>> 305058303 305044144 305073463 305049604
>>      MyEnum.valueOf(String): 955032718 908534137 891406394 891506147 
>> 891414312 893652469 891412757 891409294
>>       EnumSet.noneOf(Class): 414044087 406904161 406788898 406839824 
>> 406765274 406815728 407002576 406779162
>> The slow-down of about 20% (last line) is presumably a consequence of 
>> another in-direction to obtain shared enum constants array when there 
>> is already a Map in place. It is still fast though (300M EnumSet 
>> instances / 0.4 s).
>> Here's the source of the micro-benchmark:
>> https://raw.github.com/plevart/jdk8-tl/JEP-149.enum/test/src/test/EnumTest.java 
>> I don't know what's more important in this occasion. A small space 
>> gain (8 or 4 bytes per j.l.Class instance) or a small performance 
>> gain (20%).
>> Regards, Peter

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