Review Request : Java exe doesn't process args ending Back slash

Kumar Srinivasan kumar.x.srinivasan at
Wed Dec 19 18:37:20 UTC 2012

Hello Jayashree,

a. you are referencing a bug which has already been fixed, is there a
     new one for this ?

b. with regards to the fix, I don't quite understand the issue, could 
you please
     provide a  use case ?

c. your regression test does not seem to be accurate it behaves the same 
with or
     without your fix, also you will need to provide a C++ test case in 
     as well see the bottom of that file.


> Hi All,
> Java.exe doesn't seems to process arguments ending with back slashes
> well , in windows only .
> I have added test scenario and changeset in the below webrev .
> This seems to be introduced after the bug fix for 7188114 has be made
> into jdk8 .
> Thanks and Regards,
> Jayashree Viswanathan

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