RFR: [jdk7u-dev] - 8003898: X11 toolkit can be chosen as the default toolkit

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Fri Dec 21 11:23:37 UTC 2012

On 20/12/2012 22:11, Stuart Marks wrote:
> Isn't 7162111 important to avoid hangs/failures when running the tests 
> on the Mac? Plus it removes tests from the problem list so we get 
> better test coverage in 7u.
8003898 is the change to not select the XToolkit and I think is the most 
important to backport as that is seems to be what has been caussing 
tests that use AWT to hang on Macs, at least when using ssh.

Once that it is then there's a bunch of tests that can be removed from 
the exclude list, this is what 7162111 is about. As 8 and 7u have 
slightly different exclude lists then it might not hg import cleanly 
(which I think is what Rob was saying) so he might have to manually 
figure out the exact list of tests to liberate.


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