RFR 8004547: Extend JavaFX launcher support...

David DeHaven david.dehaven at oracle.com
Fri Dec 21 17:09:15 UTC 2012

> David,
> It looks great here are few items I noticed:
> 1. The error defined by:
> +java.launcher.javafx.error1=\
> +    Error: The JavaFX runtime is incompatible with the Java launcher
> is used for a signature mismatch, I suggest changing the
> message to reflect the real reason.

How about:
    Error: The JavaFX launchApplication method has the wrong signature, it\n\
    must be declared static and return a value of type void

> 2. Nit:  extraneous new lines, maybe ?

What lines? I removed a few from FXHelper to tighten it up a bit, and the extra one at the end.

> 3. typo:
> 525     // Check the existance and signature of main and abort if it's incorrect
> 525     // Check the existence and signature of main and abort if incorrect


> FXLauncherTest
> Nit:
> -System.out.println("Main-Class: "+mainClassEntry);
> +System.out.println("Main-Class: " + mainClassEntry);

Fixed.. again, not sure how it reverted. Maybe I went too crazy hitting Undo :)


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