RFR : 8003228 : (props) sun.jnu.encoding should be set to UTF-8 [macosx]

Brent Christian brent.christian at oracle.com
Fri Dec 21 18:25:04 UTC 2012

On 12/21/12 7:33 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
> I also think it's important that the folks on macosx-port-dev that have
> been complaining about this help us test it out, particularly folks that
> work in Asian locales. I don't know how many of them build the jdk so
> you might need to send a reminder once there is a jdk8 build available
> with this change. I don't think we should consider backporting this
> change to jdk7u until there is strong evidence that the change in jdk8
> is good.

Definitely agree.

> Thanks for creating a test. I'm not sure that test/java/util/Properties
> is right place as that directory is for tests of the
> java.util.Properties API. I guess I would move it to java/util/System as
> there isn't an obvious place in the sun/** tree.

I wasn't quite sure where to put it.  Moved to java/lang/System 
(assuming you didn't actually mean java/util/System).

 > In ExpectedEncoding
> then it looks it is missing an exit in the bad usage case.

Thanks, fixed.

> Also as an
> alternative to the failed flag then you could just throw an exception.

When practical, I like to test and report all tested conditions (instead 
of failing fast).  I think it helps provide scope to a failure, just 
from looking at the test report.  Bit of a personal preference, I guess. 
  I can change it to fail fast if that's preferred.

I do think an exception stack trace is easier to spot to someone just 
glancing through test results.  So I now have the flag and an exception 
- hope that's okay. :)

Updated webrev:


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