Updated unit test for BigInteger patch (#4837946)

Tim Buktu tbuktu at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 25 15:23:07 UTC 2012

/On 01/30/2012 09:06 AM, Joe Darcy wrote:/

> On 01/27/2012 02:41 PM, Tim Buktu wrote:
> >/ On 01/11/2012 11:59 AM, Joe Darcy wrote:
> />>/ Thanks Tim.  I'll add this to my review queue after Alan Eliasen's work
> />>/ (finally) gets in.
> />/ Is there a timeframe for this yet?
> /
> The timeframe is on the order of weeks to months.
> Cheers,
> -Joe
Seeing as it's been a while, I was wondering if this is still being
considered for JDK 8. Would it help if I made an updated patch against
the current BigInteger.java?


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