RFR 2: JDK-8005263: Logging APIs takes Supplier<String> for message

Peter Levart peter.levart at gmail.com
Fri Dec 28 00:42:21 UTC 2012

What about the following API:

public class LogRecordFactory {

     private final Level level;

     public LogRecordFactory(Level level) {
         this.level = level;

     public LogRecord create(String msg) {
         return new LogRecord(level, msg);

     public LogRecord create(String msg, Object... parameters) {
         LogRecord lr = create(msg);
         return lr;

     // ...etc...

and then in the Logger...

     public void log(Level level, Function<LogRecordFactory, LogRecord> 
logRecordProducer) {
         if (level.intValue() < levelValue || levelValue == offValue) {
         LogRecord lr = logRecordProducer.apply(new 

which would be used as:

         logger.log(Level.INFO, lrp -> lrp.create("Status is: %s", 

Regards, Peter

On 12/27/2012 01:23 AM, Henry Jen wrote:
> On 12/22/2012 07:30 AM, Jason Mehrens wrote:
>> The msg argument in most cases is a string literal because it is either
>> a resource bundle key or a MessageFormat literal.  The established best
>> practice is to convert on the fly construction of messages to use
>> the MessageFormat syle logging.  This current patch is kind of
>> anti-pattern of that practice.  I would think the real win would be to
>> delay construction of the 'params' argument in the logging framework.
>> Allowing the callers to write logger.log(level, "{0}", Foo::bar) and
>> have the call to bar be lazy eval would be the best of both the logging
>> world and the lambda world.
> For messages not just only for developer, they should be localized as
> you suggested and in such cases, it is possible to achieve the laziness
> via Object.toString(), less straightforward than using a lambda, but is
> possible.
> Cheers,
> Henry

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