Need reviewer: JDK 8 CR for Support Integer overflow

Stephen Colebourne scolebourne at
Fri Feb 3 18:00:11 UTC 2012

On 3 February 2012 17:52, Eamonn McManus <eamonn at> wrote:
> I agree with Stephen Colebourne that brief implementation comments would be
> useful. But I disagree with his proposed further methods in Math
> (increment, decrement, int+long variants), which I don't think would pull
> their weight.

FWIW, JSR-310 currently has 18 non-test usages of increment/decrement,
vs 42 uses of add. Less, but certainly used.

The real value in increment/decrement is that it becomes a simple
mapping from operator to method
a++ = increment(a)
a-- = decrement(a)
a + b = add(a, b)
This makes it easier to see what the intent would have been were the
real operators safe.


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