Reviewer needed: (JDK7) fixed three typos in a class ScriptEngineManager

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Tue Feb 28 13:48:58 UTC 2012

On 28/02/2012 13:36, Pavel Tisnovsky wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to fix three typos in ScriptEngineManager class's JavaDoc.
> This class contains method getEngineFactories() which returns
> list of factories, not an array of factories.
> Here is a webrew created against OpenJDK7:
> Can anybody review this change please?
> PS: similar typos exist in OpenJDK6 too.
> Thank you in advance,
> Pavel Tisnovsky
Looks okay to me. One of the rules [1] for changes going into jdk7u is 
that the change be in jdk8 first. The jdk8/tl/jdk repository would be 
the best place to push this.



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