7121110 : JAXP 1.4.5 update 1 for 7u4 & jaxp source in jdk7 repo

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at oracle.com
Tue Jan 3 19:16:18 UTC 2012

So you have a review from me.

I think you need to send this CR/webrev and request for approval to the jdk7u-dev at openjdk.java.net alias for 7u4

Or did you do that already?   Hopefully we can fix this drop stuff before 12/12/12 and the end of the world.  8^{


On Dec 30, 2011, at 10:11 AM, Joe Wang wrote:

> On 12/30/2011 6:14 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
>> On 28/12/2011 17:18, Joe Wang wrote:
>>> Kelly asked for 6-open and jdk8 as well. Since we're changing the jaxp bundle process, we thought we would do the same for 6-open and jdk8 once this works out.  But we can take the change to jdk8 first if this is approved.  The only question I had was that the jdk8 modularization would change the jaxp source structure.  But Kelly thought that's not a problem. I guess we don't mind another big changeset :)
>> I think it's too early to know if modularization will require the jaxp source code to be restructured as modules. It would clearly be desirable, in particular if jaxp migrates completely. However, if there are still activity upstream (you mentioned monitoring commits at jaxp-sources.java.net) or some need to keep the 7u and 8 code in sync then it would complicate things a bit.
> Yeh, there are several undecided factors affecting jaxp project/source right now. If there's no absolute requirement for a jaxp update in jdk8, I would prefer we wait a couple of weeks for things to settle.
> -Joe
>> -Alan

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