Patch to expand tz checking scope in TimeZone_md.c

Jonathan Lu luchsh at
Tue Jan 10 03:09:27 UTC 2012

Hi core-libs-dev,

Here's another approach to just add a defined(AIX) check to make sure it 
works on Aix platform.

Any suggestions?

- Jonathan

On 11/02/2011 04:56 PM, Jonathan Lu wrote:
> Hi core-libs-dev,
> In jdk/src/solaris/native/java/util/TimeZone_md.c, starting from line 
> 626, I found that the scope of "#ifdef __solaris__" might be too 
> narrow, since it also works for some kind of OS which I'm currently 
> working on, such as AIX.
> So I suggest to just remove the '#ifdef __solaris__' and leave the 
> "#else" to accommodate more conditions, see attachment 'patch.diff'. I 
> think this may enhance the cross-platform ability, any ideas about 
> this modification?
> Regards
> - Jonathan Lu

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