7130398: ProblemList.txt updates (1/2012)

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Tue Jan 17 12:23:38 UTC 2012

On 17/01/2012 12:05, Chris Hegarty wrote:
> Alan,
> I'd like to use this CR to backport some similar changes to 7u4. I 
> guess this is a request for review of the following, for 7u-dev:
The 7u ProblemList.txt file is clearly out of date and needs to be 
sync'ed up.

The CR that added java/io/File/BlockIsDirectory.java to the ProblemList 
in jdk8 is 7081813. I would actually prefer to just get rid of this test 
(see 6671616). At one point Stuart was going to do this but I think it 
fell off his radar.

If you are going to push 7130398 to 7u then I think it should include 
demo/jvmti/compiledMethodLoad/CompiledMethodLoadTest.java too - that 
test will likely fail more once hotspot is sync'ed up.


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