RFR 6671616: TEST_BUG java/io/File/BlockIsDirectory.java fails when /dev/dsk empty (sol)

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at oracle.com
Tue Jan 17 13:26:21 UTC 2012

On Solaris, this test looks in /dev/dsk for block special devices. 
Unfortunately, /dev/dsk is empty within a zone. Also unfortunately, on a 
non-zone Solaris machine, /dev/dsk is filled with symlinks to the actual 
device nodes.

On Linux, this test looks at /dev/ide0 and /dev/scd0 which are presumed 
to be block special devices. This is not always the case.

It's infeasible for the test to create its own block special devices for 
testing, since this requires root access. It seems quite unlikely for 
there to be a regression with this specific area, so the test should 
simply be deleted, and removed from the ProblemList.

Changes being requested:
'hg remove test/java/io/File/BlockIsDirectory.java'

--- a/test/ProblemList.txt      Mon Jan 16 18:05:29 2012 +0000
+++ b/test/ProblemList.txt      Tue Jan 17 13:27:53 2012 +0000
@@ -393,9 +393,6 @@ java/net/PortUnreachableException/OneExc
  # 6962637

-# 6671616
-java/io/File/BlockIsDirectory.java                              solaris-all
  # 7076644


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