Problem of using malloc() without including stdlib.h

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at
Wed Jan 18 18:31:45 UTC 2012

A webrev and a code review from the appropriate teams is indeed needed.


On Jan 18, 2012, at 9:56 AM, Phil Race wrote:

> Its arguable, whether harmless or not, that each file needs to include it.
> Its not unreasonable for an area of the code to have a header file such as "awt.h"
> that is supposed to be the one that's included by the other files in that area of
> the code, and which takes care of common includes. jni_util.h is not necessarily it.
> There isn't a need for every file to include that.
> Also many files are 3rd party libs and I don't like editing those as the changes
> really belong upstream.
> So a one size fits all approach might be the answer but I'd want to make sure
> of that first.
> So I'd like to see the list of files that generate actual warnings as well as the list
> of files that reference malloc but don't include stdlib.h.
> We are well aware that returning int as a default is bad in 64 bit .. I'd expect
> instant death so I'd like to see those actual warnings rather than just the
> theoretical ones.
> My grep of a current JDK 8 build log for 64 bit Linux shows the only malloc warnings
> are in hotspot management code. So I am waiting for the proof of the real problem
> And I can speak for 2d, and if there's 2D files touched I would like to see any changes
> to those files, and the reasoning discussed on 2d-dev ..
> -phil.
> On 1/18/2012 8:26 AM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> On Jan 18, 2012, at 12:19 AM, Jonathan Lu wrote:
>>> Hi core-libs-dev,
>>> I found that for some native code of OpenJDK code base, malloc() is used without including header file stdlib.h, such as following files,
>>> ./src/solaris/native/sun/java2d/opengl/GLXSurfaceData.c
>>> ./src/solaris/native/sun/java2d/x11/XRBackendNative.c
>>> ....
>>> I assume that there's no hacking tricks involved here, right? because this may cause problem for some C compilers, which assumes 'int' as the default return type of a function if it cannot find the function's declaration during compiling. Under such a condition, actual return result of type 'void*' from malloc() will be converted to 'int', which may result in truncated pointers in 64bit platforms. If the application tries to dereference such a broken pointer, error will occur.
>>> Indeed I found some indirect includes of stdlib.h, but there're still some I do not see a stdlib.h get included from any of  the direct/indirect included headers. I think in order to fix this problem, two approaches may be considered here,
>>> a) add "#include<stdlib.h>" to every missing .c file.
>>> b) add "#include<stdlib.h>" to a commonly  referenced header file, such as jni_util.h. but it would not be easy to find such a file for all and creating one is the same as approach a).
>> I suggest a)  It should be harmless and is the right thing to do.
>> It's been a while since I studied the C standard, but I vaguely recall that there was another standard C include file
>> that would cause the malloc() prototype declaration to show up.
>> Or maybe it wasn't a standard one.  In any case, I think your a) approach is correct and I don't see much a need
>> for detailed discussions on this, as long as it builds correctly with no warnings on all platforms. It should be fine and correct.
>> That's my 2 cents.
>> -kto
>>> But both methods need to change many files, any other ideas about how to fix it more elegantly?
>>> Thanks and best regards!
>>> - Jonathan

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