JDK 8 code review request for initial unsigned integer arithmetic library support

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at gmx.de
Fri Jan 20 15:12:56 UTC 2012

A little different approach...

I worry about the wording of e.g. toUnsignedInt(x).
At first look, it claims to return an unsigned integer, which fairly doesn't exist in Java for now.
1. Better: unsignedIntValueOf(x)
2. We could have a naming problem if unsigned integers were introduced in any future for Java. Then 
e.g. toUnsignedInt(x) could have a very different meaning.

Instead e.g.
     int Byte.unsignedIntValueOf(byte x) aka int Byte.toUnsignedInt(byte x)
I would vote for
     int Integer.unsignedValueOf(byte x)

At least, we only need:
     short Short.unsignedValueOf(byte x)
     int Integer.unsignedValueOf(short x)
     long Long.unsignedValueOf(int x)
     BigInteger BigInteger.unsignedValueOf(long x)


Am 14.01.2012 06:26, schrieb Joe Darcy:
> Hello,
> Polishing up some work I've had *almost* done for a long time, please review an initial take on 
> providing library support for unsigned integer arithmetic:
>     4504839 Java libraries should provide support for unsigned integer arithmetic
>     4215269 Some Integer.toHexString(int) results cannot be decoded back to an int
>     6322074 Converting integers to string as if unsigned
>     http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~darcy/4504839.1/

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