JDK 8 code review request for 7132338 Use @code friendly idiom for '\' in javadoc

Joe Darcy joe.darcy at oracle.com
Mon Jan 23 17:41:06 UTC 2012

On 01/23/2012 02:33 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 23/01/2012 08:23, Joe Darcy wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Responding to some of code review feedback from Ulf about the 
>> unsigned API work, I've taken a pass at purging
>> <code>'\u0030'</code>
>> from the jdk repo's javadoc and replacing it with
>>     {@code '\u005Cu0030'}
>> since {@code} is generally preferable.
>> Webrev with these changes and other <code></code> => {@code} 
>> transformations at
>>     http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~darcy/7132338.0/
>> With these changes, the javadoc builds runs without additional 
>> warnings and a specdiff against a reference copy of the javadoc shows 
>> no unexpected changes.
>> Thanks,
>> -Joe
> I looked through the patch. Looks like there is an issue in 
> java.io.RandomAccessFile where all <code> usages have been changed to 
> </code>. In java.io.DataInput I see that the javadoc doesn't go beyond 
> about column 40 in many cases and maybe it would be good to clean this 
> up while you are there.

Hi Alan,

Not sure what happened in RandomAccessFile; specdiff caught various 
problems with earlier versions of the work before I send the webrev out 
for review.  In any case, thanks for the catching the problem; an 
updated webrev with a corrected (but not re-columned) RandomAccessFile 
is at:



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