Review request for 7133220: Additional patches to JAXP 1.4.5 update 1 for 7u4

Joe Wang at
Tue Jan 31 22:29:32 UTC 2012

Now that jaxp sources are in the repo, it's possible to do specific fixes rather than batch update. However, the sources on need some work before patches can be directly applied to that in the jdk repo. I tried before and received lots of failures.
Besides that, it's a bit of convenience to do a all-test run before a batch update. I will probably have to use this process until jaxp is completely migrated, that is, being able to pull jaxp standalone out of the jdk repo.


On 31/01/2012 03:30, Alan wrote:
>Does anyone have cycles to do a review (or partial review) of Joe's
>changes? Now that the jaxp code is in the jaxp repository (for jdk7u, I
>assume jdk8 soon) it means that the changes will require a reviewer?

>Joe - is the intention that you will continue to do batch updates? I ask
>because it is usually easier to review specific fixes, big patches
>usually require a bit of effort.


On 27/01/2012 23:05, Joe Wang wrote:
>/  Hi,
/>/  With this additional patch, I'm fixing a SpecJvm2008 failure against
/>/  7u4 b07 (7098746), along with a couple of other fixes and accumulated
/>/  Xalan update. The changes are listed below and at
/>/  The webrev is at:  <>
/>/  Additional patches to JAXP 1.4.5 update 1
/>/  Nr Category ID Synopsis/Description
/>/  1 JAXP/OTHER 7098746 SpecJvm2008 xml.transform subbenchmark fails
/>/  validation
/>/  2 JAXP/OTHER 7131589 NPE IN
/>/  Apache Xalan update
/>/  Nr Key Synopsis/Description
/>/  1 XALANJ-1243  java.lang.StackOverflowError in XString.equals()
/>/  2 XALANJ-1991 StackOverflowException comparing two strings
/>/  3 XALANJ-2001 normalize-space gives StackOverflowError
/>/  4 XALANJ-1434 org.apache.xpath.axes.AxesWalker getLastPos: duplicate
/>/  predicate testing (one line change)
/>/  5 XALANJ-1497 xsl:copy adds a newline to processing instructions
/>/  6 XALANJ-1706 DocumentFragment returned by extension element causes
/>/  multiple SAX endDocument() events
/>/  7 XALANJ-2218 XML/HTML serializers should have default m_escapeSetting
/>/  = true
/>/  8 XALANJ-2316 WriterToUTF8Buffered.write(String s) fail with big strings
/>/  9 XALANJ-2336 Xalan-J should stop using java.util.Vector in some cases
/>/  10 XALANJ-2218 major 11/Mar/06  XML/HTML serializers should have
/>/  default m_escapeSetting = true
/>/  11 XALANJ-2236 trivial 30/Oct/06  [PATCH] clean up static calls thru
/>/  instance references
/>/  12 XALANJ-2271 major08/Mar/06 XML 1.1 Serialization, char in attribute
/>/  value not escaped
/>/  Thanks,
/>/  Joe

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