Code Review Request: 7160252: (prefs) NodeAddedEvent was not delivered when new node add when new Node

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at
Wed Jul 11 23:24:20 UTC 2012

On 12 Jul 2012, at 00:15, Kurchi Hazra <kurchi.subhra.hazra at> wrote:

> Thanks for the review Alan. Updated webrev:

Looks fine.

Trivially, is there an opportunity to make any fields final since initFields is replaced with a constructor?


> - Kurchi
> On 7/11/12 5:45 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
>> On 26/06/2012 22:57, Kurchi Hazra wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>    On Mac OS X, for Preferences, a new child added event was not being
>>> delivered to a NodeChangeListener since the existing code depended on the
>>> return value of addNode() in the native code, which returns true if a new
>>> node is added. However, since addNode() was being called erroneously after
>>> a child node is already added to an existing node, addNode() would always
>>> return false, resulting in thw new node event never being delivered.
>>>  This fix propagates the required information of whether a node is added from
>>> the method adding the child node itself. In addition, I cleaned up the
>>> constructors in and added a test
>>> ( to cover this case.
>>> Finally, there were two prefs tests in ProblemList.txt which are now passing,
>>> I have removed these from the ProblemList too.
>>> Bug:
>>> Webrev:
>>> Thanks,
>>> Kurchi
>> It doesn't look you got a reviewer for this one.
>> I looked at the changes and the fix seems okay to me. The only odd thing is that now that you have the 5-arg constructor then it can initialize all the fields allowing you to get rid of initFields and also setNew. Also I assume it means you can close 7150557.
>> -Alan.

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