Native zlib libraries

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Wed Jul 25 15:04:08 UTC 2012

On 25/07/2012 15:58, Andrew Hughes wrote:
> :
> I've started looking at this and it seems 7 still has 1.2.3,
> 1.2.5 is only in 8. I also can't see any obvious changes which
> change zlib.
> Are you sure this change was introduced in 7 and not 8?  Do you happen
> to know the bug ID for it?
Yes, jdk7 had 1.2.3 and according to the history of 
zlib-1.2.3/patches/ChangeLog_java then the bugID was 4963968 (b115cf946852).

jdk8 has 1.2.3 and zlib-1.2.5/patches/ChangeLog_java has 7110149 


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