Request for Reviews 7173918&7173919: Small follow-ons to alternative hashing

Rémi Forax forax at
Mon Jun 4 07:43:51 UTC 2012

Hi Mike,
jdk8 patch looks good to me.


On 06/04/2012 08:08 AM, Mike Duigou wrote:
> Two small issues related to the larger alternative string hashing changes (CR#7126277) from last week. One issue is for JDK 7 and the other is for JDK 8. Both are quite small.
> For the JDK 7 issue, as documented in the review request, the default threshold for the alternative hashing in that patch was set to the minimum to unconditionally enable the feature. This was done to make compatibility testing easier. Developers are strongly encouraged to test their applications with the 7u6b13 build to ensure that their applications do not later encounter problems. For the release version of 7u6 the default threshold will be set to 512. This patch sets that default and marks one field final.
> The JDK8 issue is number of small performance enhancements suggested by Ulf Zibis and Remi Forax. These changes are being considered now while this issue remains fresh in the maintainer and reviewer's minds.
> Thanks,
> Mike

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