7197491: update copyright year to match last edit in jdk8 jdk repository
David Holmes
david.holmes at oracle.com
Wed Nov 7 02:17:45 UTC 2012
On 7/11/2012 2:11 AM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> On Nov 4, 2012, at 2:04 AM, David Holmes wrote:
>> On 3/11/2012 3:27 AM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>>> All changes to JDK sources require a CR, an OpenJDK author name, and a review by a second OpenJDK author.
>>> So although you can automate the preparation of the commit, you cannot fully automate this process.
>>> There have been many discussions over the years about automating various changes, anything from tag generation,
>>> to whitespace normalization, and this copyright year change issue.
>>> Our policy has been that changesets need human authors, and all changes need a human review.
>> I think that is the tail wagging the dog. A simple change to a year value in a comment by a sanctioned pre/post commit script can easily be accommodated in the changeset for a given CR just as-if the engineer had done it themselves. In the SCCS days we didn't require reviews for sccs tag updates in file headers - I don't see that copyright update should be any different. If we need to tweak the OpenJDK rules then lets tweak them.
> But in SCCS days, you still needed an identity on the change, an informal review, and a human to trigger the putback.
It would be no different with hg. In SCCS days you would only see the
sccs variable in the code. The update only happens when you "commit". In
neither case do the reviewers see the actual change; in both cases there
is an identity on the change and a human doing it.
Anyway I prefer manual updates with a jcheck check. There are times when
a change does not necessitate an update to the copyright year (mainly
changes to the copyright notice itself) but these are rare.
> It is true that in the SCCS days there was less red tape, but in the SCCS days there was much less tracking of
> all changes, and identities could be fictitious. The SCCS history was generally worthless.
>> Personally I don't see why it is so hard to have engineers be responsible for this (if automation is considered so problematic). It only affects one changeset per file per year and a pre-commit script (or jcheck enhancement?) could warn you if you forget to do the update. I find these big periodic changesets far more noisy and problematic.
> The only issue would be that warnings tend to be ignored by most developers, but I could accept this idea.
> If jcheck blocked the commit when it detected a missing year change, that would force the edit before the
> changeset would be created, or before the changeset was integrated.
> However, I'm not exactly sure we could make the copyright year check that concrete, maybe, it's not as
> cut and dried as the whitespace check jcheck does.
>> For the general audience: copyright years only get updated when there is a substantive change to the material content of a file. I think we well and truly established that when we went through the Sun to Oracle conversion process.
> Yes. There are very rare situations where a file can change, and that change should not trigger a year update.
> So by default, we treat any change to a file as being one that needs a year update.
> ---
> Just to clarify it for others:
> And there are 2 years. The first year is the initial creation, the second year is the year of last change.
> When they are the same, one year will be listed in the legal notice.
> It's very important to preserve that first year, or year of creation.
> -kto
>> David
>>> -kto
>>> On Nov 2, 2012, at 9:51 AM, Darryl Mocek wrote:
>>>> So the 3000+ files Alan is referring to are all files which have been modified but which haven't had their year updated? If we're not worried about files which haven't been modified then a pre/post-commit script will suffice and depending on how we implement it we might not need periodic updates.
>>>> Darryl
>>>> On 11/02/2012 09:47 AM, Phil Race wrote:
>>>>>> but ultimately there are files which never get touched which will need processing to update the year.
>>>>> The policy has varied over the years, but presently the policy is not to
>>>>> update the year in files that have not been updated code-wise.
>>>>> -phil.
>>>>> On 11/2/2012 9:37 AM, Darryl Mocek wrote:
>>>>>> Alan,
>>>>>> I was responsible for updating the copyrights for JavaME. I used a Perl script to update the copyright year in the source files. I can point you to the relevant information if you like. There were challenges as there are various copyrights in the source files (Oracle, Oracle + 3rd-party, 3rd party only, and no copyright), all with different formats, and even within the Oracle copyrights, people used subtle differences which caused difficulties. I ended updating all copyrights to a few formats and adding a post-commit script which scrubbed the copyright and notified the committer if the copyright wasn't in the correct format and didn't have an ending year (or sole year) which is the current year.
>>>>>> There are plenty of options here:
>>>>>> - Do nothing (policy)
>>>>>> - Pre-commit script which changes the year automatically
>>>>>> - Pre-commit script which rejects commit with wrong year
>>>>>> - Post-commit script which flags a bad copyright, but accepts commit
>>>>>> - Others
>>>>>> Updating the copyright year as you commit is a good habit to get into, but ultimately there are files which never get touched which will need processing to update the year. I think doing this at the end/beginning of the year is good, we just need to make sure we get the copyright correct when processing.
>>>>>> Darryl
>>>>>> On 11/02/2012 05:46 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
>>>>>>> Now for some noise.
>>>>>>> The copyright date in the source files needs updating. The man behind the curtain is Steve Sides from the Quality and Release Engineering team in Oracle. Jon pushed, on Steve's behalf, the update to the langtools files recently [1], and Mikael updated hotspot [2]. The elephant is the jdk repository as there are 3000+ files that need their headers updated.
>>>>>>> To keep the disruption to a minimum I propose that we do the jdk repository in two steps: non-client area now to jdk8/tl, and then the client-area later in jdk8/awt once the changes get there. I use the term "client-area" loosely to mean the source files for awt, swing, font, java2d, etc. (and I appreciate that there is also a jdk8/2d forest in use). To that end here is the proposed patch for today:
>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alanb/7197491/copyright.patch
>>>>>>> This patch updates the headers on 2370 files. I don't propose to publish a webrev as it's just too big.
>>>>>>> This patch was created with:
>>>>>>> cd jdk
>>>>>>> sh ../make/scripts/update_copyright_year.sh 2011
>>>>>>> sh ../make/scripts/update_copyright_year.sh 2012
>>>>>>> hg revert --no-backup `cat clientdirs.list`
>>>>>>> hg diff -g> copyright.patch
>>>>>>> where clientdirs.list is most of the directories corresponding to the client area.
>>>>>>> Note that I ran the update_copyright_year.sh script twice, once for 2011 and then a second time for 2012. The reason for this is that there are several hundred files in the jdk repository that were last updated in 2011 but have an older date on the header.
>>>>>>> Reviewer welcome but I should say that I don't have cycles to spend on this. Also the patch has an a very short shelf life.
>>>>>>> Finally, I think that there needs to be wider discussion as to how to keep the headers from falling behind too much. Some people do update the headers when editing files, some people (including myself) do not. It seems to me that it should be done regularly anyway, perhaps every few months or at integration time every so often.
>>>>>>> -Alan.
>>>>>>> [1] http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/tl/langtools/rev/9d47f4850714
>>>>>>> [2] http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/jdk8/hotspot/rev/b9a9ed0f8eeb
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