7192274: Deprecate LogManager addPropertyChangeListener and removePropertyChangeListe

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at oracle.com
Wed Oct 10 18:55:35 UTC 2012

On 10 Oct 2012, at 18:11, Mandy Chung <mandy.chung at oracle.com> wrote:

> The change looks good.



> Mandy
> On 10/10/2012 4:19 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
>> JEP 162 [1] captures a number of things that we can do in preparation for future modularization of the platform. One of these items is deprecating the Java SE APIs that are problematic for our modularization efforts. Thankfully the list is very short as this is deprecation is in anticipation of really removing the APIs when a module system comes along.
>> The patch proposed here is the first installation to deprecate the LogManager addPropertyChangeListener and removePropertyChangeListener methods. These methods are problematic because of the API dependency on java.beans.PropertyChangeListener (java.beans is toxic because of types in that package that are tied to Applet, AWT, and Swing). When we eventually get to remove these methods then we expect the impact will not be too significant. Mandy Chung has done a static analysis over 20,000 projects to locate usages of these methods and found only 3 so we have some useful evidence to demonstrate that they aren't used very often. For now we are just proposing to deprecate the methods and the proposed patch is here:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alanb/7192274/webrev/jdk.patch
>> Thanks,
>> Alan.
>> [1] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/162

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