Code Review Request: 7198073: (prefs) user prefs not saved [macosx]

Kurchi Subhra Hazra kurchi.subhra.hazra at
Tue Oct 16 15:55:46 UTC 2012

On 10/16/12 2:54 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 16/10/2012 01:53, Kurchi Hazra wrote:
>> Hi Alan,
>>    Please find an updated webrev with a test included: 
>> is the main entry point - it runs 
>> CheckUserPrefFirst first (which creates and attempts to store a 
>> preference),
>> and then runs CheckUserPrefLater (which attempts to retrieve the 
>> preference stored by the former).
> Thanks for adding a test, it looks good to me, I just wonder if we 
> should run with java.util.prefs.userRoot=. so that we don't leave 
> anything behind in the event that CheckUserPrefLater doesn't run.

That did occur to me, but I have not yet checked what 
java.util.prefs.userRoot=. actually implies while using jtreg.
When I get more time to work on 7197662, I will be updating all the 
prefs test including this one.


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