Not able to complie fresh tl

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Mon Sep 3 18:30:07 UTC 2012

On 03/09/2012 19:15, Dmitry Samersoff wrote:
> Alan,
> Sorry for not being clean enough.
> tl/jdk/make/java/rmi
> repository produce deprecation warning while compiling and these warning
> threaten as an error. Therefor build are stopped.
> I use 1.8.0-ea-b37 for compilation.
> I workarounded the problem with JAVAC_LINT_OPTIONS but would like to
> know is it a known issue.
> -Dmitry
I don't quite follow what you are doing. Are you trying to build the 
jdk8/tl using a really old jdk8 build as your bootstrap JDK? The 
normal/documented way to build jdk8 is to use a jdk7 build as your 
bootstrap JDK.  For boot cycle builds then the JDK should be able to 
compile itself of course, I'm just not sure about using a much older 
jdk8 build as mismatches are going to cause problems (I'm not saying 
it's the case here, it's just not clear from your mail). The only other 
thing that comes to mind is that maybe you are doing an incremental 
build after a partial build. We've had issues with warnings being fatal 
causing problems for this case. Stuart is the person to lobby over this 
but the basic idea is that as areas become warning free (javac warnings 
that is, not native compilers) then they are switched to being fatal to 
prevent warnings coming back. That's great for full builds but can be 
problematic for partial or incremental builds due to implicit 
complication and compiling things in a different order than a full build 
would normally do. This is something that I hope will be a non-issue 
with the new build system.


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