ReviewRequest 8011172: JJSR 310: DateTime API Updates II,

David Holmes david.holmes at
Wed Apr 10 00:13:49 UTC 2013

Hi Sherman,

On 10/04/2013 1:08 AM, Xueming Shen wrote:
> On 4/9/13 5:00 AM, David Holmes wrote:
>> I find it troubling the tzdb.jar is now tzdb.dat - either it is a jar
>> file or not; if not then it should not be built using CreateJars.gmk
>> and shouldn't listed on the JAR variables in profile-includes.txt
> tzdb.dat now is NOT a jar file for performance (decompression slows down
> startup). So which gmk file is the best fit for this kind of "file building"? We
> may be able to update it to the appropriate place with a follow up push.

So given it is no longer a jar file, the target in the CreateJars.gmk

$(IMAGES_OUTPUTDIR)/lib/tzdb.dat: $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/lib/tzdb.dat

should not be needed. The generic copying routine in Images.gmk:

# Find all files to copy from $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/lib
# Jar files are not expected to be here
ALL_JDKOUT_LIB_LIST := $(call not-containing,_the.,$(filter-out %.jar,\
                             $(call CacheFind,$(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/lib)))

should now pick it up by default.


> -Sherman
>> David
>> On 9/04/2013 5:51 AM, Xueming Shen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> JSR 310 has continued to refine and update the java.time API.
>>> Please help review the proposed changeset as showed in webrev:
>>> In addition to general javadoc improvements, the changes include:
>>> java.time
>>> * Duration - added a static from(temporalAmount) method to simplify
>>>    conversions from other amounts
>>> * Renamed the toString(Formatter) method to format(Formatter) in all
>>> classes
>>> * Period - added a static from(temporalAmount) method to simplify
>>> conversions
>>> * ZoneId -
>>>     - Added getAvailableZoneIds method, a simpler mechanism than going
>>>       to the provider
>>>     - Added normalized() method to ease conversion to a fixed offset
>>>     - renamed predefined static fields of timezone names
>>> java.time.chrono
>>> * ChronoLocalDate, ChronoLocalDateTime, ChonoZonedDateTime
>>>     - changed xxx_COMPARATORs to static methods returning the Time Line
>>>       Order comparators
>>>     - Added a from(TemporalAcessor) method to ease conversions
>>> * Chronology
>>>      - Added method to create a Date from EpochDay (And in each
>>>        calendar subclass)
>>>      - Added resolveDate to allow resolving date components by the
>>> Chronology
>>>      - Serialization fixes
>>>      - Replaced raw return types with wildcard type
>>> * Era
>>>      - Removed factory methods and getChronology - they did not work
>>>        correctly in all cases
>>>      - Declared Era as a functional interface
>>> * Hijrah calendar variations -
>>>      - Supporting the Umm alQura calendar
>>> * Added HijrahEra, IsoEra, JapaneseEra, MinguEra, ThaiBuddhistEra
>>>      making the enums public
>>> * MinguoDate, ThaiBuddhistDate, HijrahDate - Added getEra method
>>>    to return the concrete Era type.
>>> java.time.format
>>> * DateTimeFormatter -
>>>      - Added fields for the predefined formatters
>>>        (moved from DateTimeFormatters class)
>>>      - Updated patterns to be CLDR compatible
>>>      - Moved documentation for the pattern letters to the class javadoc
>>>      - Added support for Zone default and conversion
>>> * DateTimeFormatterBuilder
>>>      - Updated documentation of patterns and corresponding equivalents
>>>        to builder methods.
>>>      - Added a method to append the localized offset.
>>> java.time.temporal
>>> * Adjusters - class removed; all static adjusters moved to static
>>> methods
>>>    in TemporalAdjuster
>>> * ChronoField -
>>>      - Added getDisplayName - for locale specific field name
>>> * Queries - class removed; all static query method moved to static
>>> methods
>>>    in TemporalQuery
>>> * TemporalField - added getDisplayName method
>>> * UnsupportedTemporalTypeException - new subtype of DateTimeException
>>>    to reflect no support for a unit or field
>>> * WeekFields - Added fields for week and year of week-Based-Years to
>>> match
>>>    CLDR fields "Y", "W"

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