Deadlock in clinit for

Jeremy Manson jeremymanson at
Wed Aug 7 16:56:15 UTC 2013

Thanks, Alan.  Do please ping back when you've created the bug (I'm not on
nio-dev), because I'd like to track it (so we can remove our workaround
when the time comes).


On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 10:21 PM, Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at>wrote:

> On 06/08/2013 15:21, Jeremy Manson wrote:
>> :
>> We can eagerly do class init as a workaround, but that seems less than
>> ideal.  It looks easy enough to fix - just move the stuff in Util.load()
>> into IOUtil somewhere, and don't call back to Util from IOUtil.<clinit>.
>>   But I'll defer to the experts.
>>  Thanks for the mail, I'll create a bug for this. From an initial look
> then moving it to IOUtil should resolve this as Util doesn't define any
> native methods and so doesn't care if the native library has been loaded.
> -Alan.

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