<i18n dev> java.util.Locale changes

Masayoshi Okutsu masayoshi.okutsu at oracle.com
Thu Aug 29 08:24:06 UTC 2013

I took a look at the implementation. The matcher code just iterates the 
given priority list. isEmpty() is used, but it shouldn't be a problem. 
As far as an Iterable gives an Iterator which consistently iterates 
elements based on the priority or weight, the Iterable works.

Use of Iterable does give more flexibility, but I'm not sure how much it 
would add value to the API use. You can implement your own Iterable, but 
would many developers implement an Iterable to give a language priority 


On 2013/08/29 5:42, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 28/08/2013 14:25, Masayoshi Okutsu wrote:
>> (adding core-libs-dev)
>> Hi Christian,
>> RFC 4647 defines The Language Priority List [1]. The use of 
>> java.util.List would be a natural fit, which is the reason why List 
>> is used. But use of Iterable does work (as API design). The parameter 
>> name `priorityIterable' sounds a bit odd, though.
>> Does use of Iterable add much value to the API? (Please note that 
>> List is also used in Locale.LanguageRange.)
> It depends on the usages but Iterable would be a bit more flexible. 
> Does the locale matcher require to do anything except iterate over the 
> elements? The return could be looked at it but it depends on the 
> typical usage -- would the user of the API typically just iterate over 
> the matched Locales?
> -Alan.

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