RFR: 8024014 & 8024015 : (xs) TEST.groups updates

Mike Duigou mike.duigou at oracle.com
Fri Aug 30 05:24:45 UTC 2013

On Aug 29 2013, at 18:37 , David Holmes wrote:

> On 30/08/2013 11:21 AM, Mandy Chung wrote:
>> On 8/29/2013 5:13 PM, Mike Duigou wrote:
>>> Hello all;
>>> This is a review for two changesets. The first change (JDK-8024014)
>>> splits up the jdk_util test group a bit by introducing three
>>> sub-groups, jdk_collections, jdk_stream and jdk_concurrent. The main
>>> advantage is that it's easier/quicker to test individual components.
>>> The intent is that the test groups are aligned with bug database
>>> sub-components.
> Interesting choice. Perhaps the tests themselves should be restructured around this classification too?

I think there would be some resistance to moving files. Most package boundaries match the sub-component categories (I could be wrong on this point).

If it is not too much disruption I think we should try to place tests where they properly belong.

>>> The second change moves some important lambda related tests from
>>> languishing in obscurity in the jdk_other group to the jdk_lang group
>>> to reflect their importance and relation to other tests. These tests
>>> are contained in the jdk/lambda directory.
>>> The combined webrev is here:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mduigou/JDK-8024015/0/webrev/
>> This change looks good to me.  It's good to break jdk_util into
>> sub-groups.  Is there a way to avoid listing the rest of java/util/* not
>> covered by these new sub-groups (i.e. something like this:
>>    :jdk_collections \
>>    :jdk_concurrent \
>>    :jdk_stream \
>>    java/util \
>>    sun/util
> Something like but not quite:
> jdk_util_other = \
>  java/util \
>  sun/util \
> -:jdk_collections \
> -:jdk_concurrent \
> -:jdk_stream
> jdk_util = \
>  :jdk_util_other \
>  :jdk_collections \
>  :jdk_concurrent \
>  :jdk_stream

I think this is an excellent suggestion. I was really bothered by what felt like a recreation of the despised (by me anyway) FILES_JAVA.gmk. This is much better.

> David
> -----
>> so that new subdirectory added under java/util will be included? I have
>> seen cases that new tests in a new directory added but not listed in the
>> old test/Makefile were never run but unnoticed (you cleaned up that
>> logic in JDK-8015068 - thanks).
>> Mandy
>>> The effect of these changes won't be visible to most people until
>>> JDK-8015068 is integrated.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Mike

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