RFR for JDK-8030284 TEST_BUG: intermittent StackOverflow in RMI bench/serial test

Tristan Yan tristan.yan at oracle.com
Tue Dec 24 05:59:09 UTC 2013

Hi Stuart
I did an experiment that set a small thread stack size using the 
-Xss228k or -Xss512k. The result is surprised that jtreg reports the 
test passed. Although I can see the StackOverflowError showing in the 
log even when I set thread stack size as 512k . So the problem is old 
shell script doesn't report the error even there is a StackOverflowError.
Thank you.

On 12/21/2013 08:01 AM, Stuart Marks wrote:
> On 12/19/13 8:29 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>> If you were always one frame from the end then it is not so 
>> surprising that a
>> simple change pushes you past the limit :) Try running the shell test 
>> with
>> additional recursive loads and see when it fails.
> David doesn't seem surprised, but I guess I still am. :-)
> Tristan, do you think you could do some investigation here, regarding 
> the shell script based test's stack consumption? Run the shell-based 
> test with some different values for -Xss and see how low you have to 
> set it before it generates a stack overflow.
>>> It's also kind of strange that in the two stack traces I've seen (I
>>> think I managed to capture only one in the bug report though) the
>>> StackOverflowError occurs on loading exactly the 50th class. Since 
>>> we're
>>> observing intermittent behavior (happens sometimes but not others) the
>>> stack size is apparently variable. Since it's variable I'd expect to 
>>> see
>>> it failing at different times, possibly the 49th or 48th recursive
>>> classload, not just the 50th. And in such circumstances, do we know 
>>> what
>>> the default stack size is?
>> Classloading consumes a reasonable chunk of stack so if the variance 
>> elsewhere
>> is quite small it is not that surprising that the test always fails 
>> on the 50th
>> class. I would not expect run-to-run stack usage variance to be high 
>> unless
>> there is some random component to the test.
> Hm. There should be no variance in stack usage coming from the test 
> itself. I believe the test does the same thing every time.
> The thing I'm concerned about is whether the Java-based test is doing 
> something different from the shell-based test, because of the 
> execution environment (jtreg or other). We may end up simply raising 
> the stack limit anyway, but I still find it hard to believe that the 
> shell-based test was consistently just a few frames shy of a stack 
> overflow.
> The failure is intermittent; we've seen it twice in JPRT (our internal 
> build&test system). Possible sources of the intermittency are from the 
> different machines on which the test executes. So environmental 
> factors could be at play. How does the JVM determine the default stack 
> size? Could different test runs on different machines be running with 
> different stack sizes?
> Another source of variance is the JIT. I believe JIT-compiled code 
> consumes stack differently from interpreted code. At least, I've seen 
> differences in stack usage between -Xint and -Xcomp runs, and in the 
> absence of these options (which means -Xmixed, I guess) the results 
> sometimes vary unpredictably. I guess this might have to do with when 
> the JIT compiler decides to kick in.
> This test does perform a bunch of iterations, so JIT compilation could 
> be a factor.
>>> I don't know if you were able to reproduce this issue. If you were, it
>>> would be good to understand in more detail exactly what's going on.
>> FWIW there was a recent change in 7u to bump up the number of stack 
>> shadow pages
>> in hotspot as "suddenly" StackOverflow tests were crashing instead of 
>> triggering
>> StackOverflowError. So something started using more stack in a way 
>> the caused
>> there to not be enough space to process a stackoverflow properly. 
>> Finding the
>> exact cause can be somewhat tedious.
> This seems like a different problem. We're seeing actual 
> StackOverflowErrors, not crashes. Good to look out for this, though.
> s'marks
>> Cheers,
>> David
>>> s'marks

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