[Base64] Codereview request for 8006315 8006530

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at oracle.com
Fri Feb 1 09:30:41 UTC 2013

The spec clarifications look good to me, and will be much more user 

Trivially, this is the first mention of padding in the API, "Base64 
padding character", should this be qualified as '='? Or maybe, this is 
just another case of deferring to the  "The Base64 Alphabet" in the rfc.

The test seems inconsistent with the spec clarification, "The Base64 
padding character is accepted and interpreted as the end of the encoded 
byte data"

+    checkEqual(decM.decode(encoded), src[i], "Non-base64 char is not 
+                try {
+                    dec.decode(encoded);
+                    throw new RuntimeException("No IAE for non-base64 
+                } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {}

Why, in the case of src input "A" would you expect the mime decoder to 
ignore the trailing character, and not the Basic decoder?


On 01/02/2013 07:37, Xueming Shen wrote:
> Hi,
> This is the webrev for
> 8006530: Base64.getMimeDecoder().decode() throws exception for
> non-base64 character after adding =
> 8006315: Base64.Decoder decoding methods are not consistent in treating
> non-padded data
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sherman/8006315_8006530/webrev
> The change is to
> (1) explicitly specify line feed is not added to the end of mime encoded
> output (no surprise)
> (2) mime decoder now ignores any non-base64 character after padding =
> (same as it
> ignores those non-base64 character within the data (mime base64 spec).
> Convenient
> for use case like a padding \n at the end of any input data from the
> file and, as suggested
> from real base64 use case.
> (3) explicitly specify padding character at the end of the base64
> encoded data is
> optional when DECODING (encoder always adds padding character = when
> necessary).
> The "decoding" part of the RFC really does not make it a MUST, so be
> liberal.
> (4) update the decoder inputstream to behave the same way other decoders
> do, to
> accept AA and AAA same as AA== AAA=.
> Please help review.
> -Sherman

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