[Base64] Codereview request for 8006315 8006530 AND 8006295

Xueming Shen xueming.shen at oracle.com
Mon Feb 4 19:41:08 UTC 2013

Thanks Alan, Chris and Ulf for the review and comments. The wording
has been updated accordingly. Hope it is clear enough for push.



On 02/04/2013 08:36 AM, Ulf Zibis wrote:
> Am 04.02.2013 17:05, schrieb Chris Hegarty:
>> On 04/02/2013 14:20, Alan Bateman wrote:
>>> On 01/02/2013 16:55, Xueming Shen wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> For 8006295 it appears the more reasonable approach is to continue
>>>> throw IOE
>>>> but document this behavior clearly at the wrap(is) API. So the change
>>>> is joined
>>>> with these two.
>>>> 8006295: Base64.Decoder.wrap(java.io.InputStream) returns InputStream
>>>> which throws unspecified IOException on attempt to decode invalid
>>>> Base64 byte stream
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sherman/8006295_8006315_8006530/webrev/
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> -Sherman
>>> In Decoder's javadoc then I would suggest "as if followed by padding
>>> characters(s)" rather than "as if there are padding charcacter(s)
>>> followed".
>>> In wrap's javadoc it currently reads:
>>> "If the input byte stream is not in valid Base64 encoding scheme then
>>> IOException will be thrown when reading any invalid Base64 byte(s) from
>>> the returned input stream."
> I most like this, but adding some {@code ...} tags would help, at least for IOE. Maybe one of the terms "Base64" would be enough, like:
> If the input byte stream is not of valid Base64 encoding scheme then {@code IOException} will be thrown by it's {@code read} methods when encountering any undecodable byte(s)
>>> I guess this okay but an alternative would be:
>>> "The {@code InputStream} methods that reads from the stream throw {@code
>>> IOException} if bytes are read that cannot be decoded".
> Better: ... that read ...  (no 's', typo ?)
> Also: ... byte(s) ...
>> OR
>> "The {@code read} methods of the returned {@code InputStream} will throw {@code IOException} if it encounters bytes that cannot be decoded".
> My 2 ct:
> ... encounters any Base64-invalid byte(s)
> -Ulf

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