Scaling problem of HashMap (introduced with alternative hashing)
Peter Levart
peter.levart at
Tue Jan 1 12:53:17 UTC 2013
Hi and happy new year, 2013!
I don't know what the main purpose of "hashSeed" actually is. If it is
to fight against predictable hashCode to bucket-index mappings, it does
it's job somehow, but not very good. For example, it is very easy to
predict the next hashSeed numbers that will be allocated:
import sun.misc.Hashing;
public class HashSeedCrack {
private static final long multiplier = 0x5DEECE66DL;
private static final long addend = 0xBL;
private static final long mask = (1L << 48) - 1;
static class Rnd {
private long rnd;
Rnd(long seed) { this.rnd = seed; }
int nextInt() {
rnd = (rnd * multiplier + addend) & mask;
return (int) (rnd >>> 16);
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
int r0 = Hashing.randomHashSeed(null);
int r1 = Hashing.randomHashSeed(null);
long s0 = ((long) r0 << 16) & mask;
long s1 = ((long) r1 << 16) & mask;
long mx = mask - ((1L << 16) - 1);
Rnd rnd = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 65536; i++) {
long sx = s0 + i;
if (((sx * multiplier + addend) & mx) == s1) {
rnd = new Rnd(sx);
int rx = rnd.nextInt();
assert rx == r1;
assert rnd != null;
System.out.println("Next HashMap.hashSeed will be: " +
System.out.println("... and it is: " +
For this purpuse, the Hashing.randomHashSeed() should not be publicly
visible. If ThreadLocalRandom is to be used instead of a private
instance of a java.util.Random(), then it would defeat the "secrecy"
since ThreadLocalRandom.current() is a shared per-thread instance
accessible to anyone.
As far as standard ThreadLocalRandom is concerned, it's usability is
impaired by it's design. It would be a better API if a plain
ThreadUnsafeRandom with standard constructors was part of standard JDK
API. ThreadLocal binding would then be a matter of each particular
(possibly private) usage...
Regards, Peter
On 12/27/2012 08:38 PM, Aleksey Shipilev wrote:
> Looks very like dumb inlined java.util.Random?
> Is there a security threat to use ThreadLocalRandom instead there?
> -Aleksey.
> On 27.12.2012, at 23:16, Zhong Yu <zhong.j.yu at> wrote:
>> Reported by the SO question
>> the HashMap constructor contains a CAS, which is kind of surprising.
>> Could it be removed?
>> transient final int hashSeed =
>> sun.misc.Hashing.randomHashSeed(this); // CAS
>> Zhong Yu
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