RFR: javax.xml.stream: Using ServiceLoader to load JAXP stream factories (7169894: JAXP Plugability Layer: using service loader)

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Wed Jan 9 15:43:37 UTC 2013

On 08/01/2013 12:20, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
> :
> I've clarified the spec. I also documented an additional step, which
> was done by the implementation but not documented - which is that
> the stream factory will also look up for properties in jaxp.properties
> if stax.properties was not found.
> webrev:
> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dfuchs/JDK-7169894/javax.xml.stream/webrev.03/> 
> I have generated a spec diff for easier reading of the doc changes:
> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dfuchs/JDK-7169894/javax.xml.stream/specdiff.03/overview-summary.html> 
I've gone through the spec changes and webrev and this is good work. I 
also agree with the option #3 that you proposed in one of the previous 
mails. A few small comments:

In XMLEventFactory.newInstance the current wording is "Same as 
newFactory", I think it might be better if re-worded to: "Creates a new 
instance of the factory in exactly the same manner as the newFactory 

In XMLEventFactory.newFactory (also in XMLInputFactory and 
XMLOutputFactory) then it adds normative statements to specify that 
lib/jaxp.properties is checked when lib/stax.properties is not present. 
We need flexibility to change the layout of the JRE/JDK image so I think 
it would be better to leave this out of the spec.

Otherwise I think this is good to go.


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