review request 8006139, add missing methods to javax.sql.rowset.serial.SQLInput/OutputImpl

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at
Sun Jan 13 11:13:42 UTC 2013

Oops, missing spaces by Thunderbird failure, correction:
  811     public String readNString() throws SQLException {
  812         String attrib = (String)getNextAttribute();
  813         lastValueWasNull = attrib == null;
  814         return attrib;
  815     }

Additionally I'm wondering, whether getNextAttribute() could be generified.

... and again more general:
  xxx     private <T> T readNext() throws SQLException {
  xxx         T attrib = (T)getNextAttribute();
  xxx         lastValueWasNull = attrib == null;
  xxx         return attrib;
  xxx     }

  811     public String readNString() throws SQLException {
  812         return readNext();
  813     }


Am 13.01.2013 11:56, schrieb Ulf Zibis:
> Am 12.01.2013 22:56, schrieb Lance Andersen - Oracle:
>> Hi
>> This is a review request for 8006139 which adds missing methods to SQLInput/Output
>> The webrev can be found at
> Hi,
> are you paid by code lines ;-)
> Additionally you have left out one opportunity
> ... or is it new code style, having 2 wrong indented closing braces in one line?
> I would code:
>  811     public String readNString() throws SQLException {
>  812         String attrib = (String)getNextAttribute();
>  813         lastValueWasNull =attrib == null;
>  814return attrib;
>  815     }
> Additionally I'm wondering, whether getNextAttribute() could be generified.
> -Ulf

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