Review Request : Java exe doesn't process args ending Back slash

jayashree viswanathan jviswana at
Wed Jan 16 06:11:35 UTC 2013

On 16-01-2013 6:26 AM, Kumar Srinivasan wrote:
> Hello Jayashree,
> I see the issue, I have been busy with other things, I will revisit your
> patch in the coming week.
> Kumar
>> On 20-12-2012 12:07 AM, Kumar Srinivasan wrote:
>>> Hello Jayashree,
>>> a. you are referencing a bug which has already been fixed, is there a
>>>     new one for this ?
>>> b. with regards to the fix, I don't quite understand the issue, 
>>> could you please
>>>     provide a  use case ?
>>> c. your regression test does not seem to be accurate it behaves the 
>>> same with or
>>>     without your fix, also you will need to provide a C++ test case 
>>> in cmdtoargs.c
>>>     as well see the bottom of that file.
>>> Thanks
>>> Kumar
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> Java.exe doesn't seems to process arguments ending with back slashes
>>>> well , in windows only .
>>>> I have added test scenario and changeset in the below webrev .
>>>> This seems to be introduced after the bug fix for 7188114 has be made
>>>> into jdk8 .
>>>> Thanks and Regards,
>>>> Jayashree Viswanathan
>> Hi Kumar ,
>> a. I am referencing an old bug because , that bug fix has caused this 
>> regression .
>> b. The use case is when there are backslashes at the end args for a 
>> java command using say -Dtest.argEndingInBackslash=a\\\\
>> JavaVM args:
>>     version 0x00010002, ignoreUnrecognized is JNI_FALSE, nOptions is 5
>>     option[ 0] = ''
>>     option[ 1] = '-Djava.class.path=.'
>>     option[ 2] = '-Dtest.argEndingInBackslash=a'
>>     option[ 3] = ''
>>     option[ 4] = ''
>> 74439 micro seconds to InitializeJVM
>> Main class is 'TestCmdLineParsing'
>> App's argc is 0
>> 9182 micro seconds to load main class
>> value of test.argEndingInBackslash = a
>> c. Sorry , I seem to have missed something , the above test case 
>> should help you exhibit the problem .
>>  Can you please let me know where to find or add such C++ test cases 
>> , as In the test cases bucket I know off is jtreg or JCKs only at the 
>> moment .
>> Thanks and Regards,
>> Jayashree Viswanathan
Thanks for the response !

Jayashree Viswanathan

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