Review request: JDK-6519127 Vista: user.home property not set correctly

Anthony Petrov anthony.petrov at
Tue Jan 22 16:26:23 UTC 2013

Thanks for the clarification. If Alan is OK with that, then I'm fine 
with the current fix as well.

best regards,

On 1/22/2013 19:59, Alexey Utkin wrote:
> Hi Anthony,
> The MS back porting process is not trivial.
> [SHGetKnownFolderPath] could be introduced is service pack for earlier OS.
> In my opinion that is better to use the function based on fact of 
> present (here the question is more about
> Shell32.dll version, not OS version but they are in relation).
> Alan, that do you think about it?
> Regards,
> -uta
> On 22.01.2013 19:45, Anthony Petrov wrote:
>> Hi Alexey,
>> The fix looks good from code logic perspective.
>> I'm only concerned with whether we should use the __try/__except 
>> magic, or would it rather make sense to define:
>> #define IS_WINVISTA (LOBYTE(LOWORD(::GetVersion())) >= 6)
>> and guard the call to SHGetKnownFolderPath() with this check? This 
>> seems to be lighter than using the exception handling machinery from 
>> performance perspective, and IMO it would make the code cleaner/easier 
>> to read.
>> -- 
>> best regards,
>> Anthony
>> On 1/22/2013 19:30, Alexey Utkin wrote:
>>> On 22.01.2013 16:52, Alan Bateman wrote:
>>>> On 22/01/2013 12:28, Alexey Utkin wrote:
>>>>> To be clear, there are three options for a shell call:
>>>>>     1. Force folder creation if not exists (KF_FLAG_CREATE)
>>>>>     2. Return existent folder if any (0)
>>>>>     3. Return folder name without verification (KF_FLAG_DONT_VERIFY)
>>>>> Current implementation is close to the last option (without 
>>>>> verification).
>>>>> That is our choice for the fix? (My choice was #1)
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> -uta
>>>> The JDK doesn't strictly require the user's home directory to exist 
>>>> and it's possible in some environments for the home directory to 
>>>> become inaccessible during the lifetime of the VM. The main thing (I 
>>>> think) is that exceptions and messages are clear if there is an 
>>>> error accessing something in the home directory.
>>>> So I think #3 is the right answer. As you point out, this is 
>>>> essentially long standing behavior. My concern with #2 is that it 
>>>> might hurt startup significantly when the home directory is remote. 
>>>> My concern with #1 is that I don't think the JDK should be the one 
>>>> to create the home directory (although in practice it would be very 
>>>> rare).
>>> Sounds reasonable.
>>> Let's follow that way. The #3 option is chosen.
>>> Suggested fix:
>>> Regards,
>>> -uta

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