Proxy.isProxyClass scalability
Peter Levart
peter.levart at
Fri Jan 25 17:32:34 UTC 2013
Hi David,
I think I already have a kind of answer. You wrote it in "RFR: 8005232
(JEP-149) Class Instance size reduction":
On 01/06/2013 11:46 PM, David Holmes wrote:
> In Java 8, using a 32-bit example, a java.lang.Class instance is 112
> bytes consisting of:
> - 8 byte object header
> - 20 declared fields (mostly references, some int)
> *- 5 injected fields (3 references, 2 ints) *
> That gives: 8 + (20*4) +(5*4) = 108 bytes. But as we need 8-byte
> alignment that increases to 112 bytes.
Regards, Peter
On 01/25/2013 05:34 PM, Peter Levart wrote:
> Hi David,
> I was surprised to see Usafe report these offsets. See below:
> java.lang.Class *instance* field offsets:
> Field Type Field Name Offset
> ---------- ---------- ------
> Constructor cachedConstructor 12
> Class newInstanceCallerCache 16
> String name 20
> SoftReference reflectionData 24
> ClassRepository genericInfo 28
> Object[] enumConstants 32
> Map enumConstantDirectory 36
> Map annotations 40
> Map declaredAnnotations 44
> AnnotationType annotationType 48
> ClassValueMap classValueMap *52*
> Why the *24 bytes* gap between /classValueMap/ and
> /classRedefinedCount/ fields?
> int classRedefinedCount *80*
> int lastAnnotationsRedefinedCount 84
> java.lang.String *static* field offsets:
> Field Type Field Name Offset
> ---------- ---------- ------
> ObjectStreamField[] serialPersistentFields 96
> long serialVersionUID 104
> int HASHING_SEED 112
> The 64 bit pointers variant:
> java.lang.Class instance field offsets:
> Field Type Field Name Offset
> ---------- ---------- ------
> Constructor cachedConstructor 16
> Class newInstanceCallerCache 24
> String name 32
> SoftReference reflectionData 40
> ClassRepository genericInfo 48
> Object[] enumConstants 56
> Map enumConstantDirectory 64
> Map annotations 72
> Map declaredAnnotations 80
> AnnotationType annotationType 88
> ClassValueMap classValueMap *96*
> *24 bytes* gap here too!
> int classRedefinedCount *128*
> int lastAnnotationsRedefinedCount 132
> java.lang.String static field offsets:
> Field Type Field Name Offset
> ---------- ---------- ------
> ObjectStreamField[] serialPersistentFields 144
> long serialVersionUID 160
> int HASHING_SEED 168
> Might it be that the "classRedefinedCount" field offset is fixed
> somehow in VM, since the VM has to update it? Should there be VM
> changes also to accomodate ReflectionData changes? Are there VM fields
> inserted here that don't have a Java mapping?
> Regards, Peter
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