RFR: JAXP 1.5 for JDK8/7u40: 8016648: FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING set to true or false causes SAXParseException to be thrown

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Mon Jul 1 19:54:37 UTC 2013

On 01/07/2013 19:33, huizhe wang wrote:
> :
> I've updated the jaxp 1.5 tests. I'll send a separate link since it's 
> internal. Indeed, I missed a couple of scenarios: 1) FSP can be set 
> after jaxp 1.5 properties are set through the API; 2) Validator does 
> not require, but does support FSP.
Given the number of parsers involved, the various ways to set 
properties, the FSP hammer, security manager, ... then it's really 
important that there is a good set of tests that exercise all the 
combinations. So I encourage you to put in as much effort as it required 
to get a good set of tests. It would be great to get them into OpenJDK 
too, if that is possible.

>> I think isJDKandAbove has the assume the long standing format for 
>> java.version. If someone really did change the format to what you are 
>> suggesting then the code would fail with a value such as "7.40".
> The code does support both the current and possible new format by 
> comparing the 0 element, e.g. Integer.parseInt(versions[0]) >= 
> compareTo.  But I see Joe's comment provided a better way to handle this.
Okay, I'll wait for the second webrev to see how this looks.


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