RFR: JAXP 1.5 for JDK8/7u40: 8016648: FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING set to true or false causes SAXParseException to be thrown

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Fri Jul 5 08:32:08 UTC 2013

On 04/07/2013 21:25, huizhe wang wrote:
> Reverted back to the original code: 
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~joehw/jdk8/8016648/webrev/
> The code split the version number and look at the 1st or 2nd element, 
> it thus works for both the current format and the proposed one, e.g. 
> for 1.7.0, it compares with the 2nd element, and for the proposed 
> MAJOR.MINOR.FU.*, the 1st or MAJOR.
Thanks for dropping the dependency on javax.lang.model. What you now is 
probably okay although I'm a bit dubious about attempting to support an 
alternative format (I'm not aware of any proposal that changes the 
format of the java.version property as changing it would like cause a 
lot of breakage).

A minor point but isJDKOrAbove looks a bit odd to me, I'd probably go 
for something like isJavaVersionGTE or isJavaVersionAtLeast but as it's 
not part of the API then it doesn't matter of course.

I think I mentioned it a while back but have warnings emitted with 
System.err can be problematic (gets mixed up with application messages 
to stderr). I realize the Xerces code seems to do this in places but we 
really need to see about eliminating these messages or getting 
consistent logging into this code.

> :
> The last scenario to work on is if FSP is set on the Validator instead 
> of SchemaFactory. With that, I'm looking at refactoring the way 
> properties are represented so that they carry state. It would then be 
> cleaner to pass them from SchemaFactory over to Schema and then 
> Validator. It's a bit of work. Fortunately, we only have three of them 
> to deal with.
So are you planning to send another webrev or do it as a separate issue?


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