Review request: JDK-8016579 (process) IOException thrown by ProcessBuilder.start() method is incorrectly encoded (v.3)

Dan Xu dan.xu at
Wed Jul 17 18:29:24 UTC 2013

I don't know the difference between (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, buf) and 
JNU_NewStringPlatform(env, buf). Does the JNU_NewStringPlatform() 
function currently fail to process non-western locale? According to the 
code, JNU_NewStringPlatform() is also trying to use the right encoding 
for the give string.

Other changes look good to me. Thanks for fixing getLastErrorString 
function in io_util_md.c file.


On 07/17/2013 08:28 AM, Alexey Utkin wrote:
> Thanks,
> Here is new version with Dan's correction:
> Regards,
> -uta
> On 7/16/2013 11:07 PM, Dan Xu wrote:
>> I agree. Is jdk_util.c or jni_util.c or any file under native/common/ 
>> a good place?
>> The fix looks good to me.
>> One small comment is to get the return value of swprintf() in 
>> win32Error(). If the return value is -1, an error situation needs to 
>> be handled even though it seems very rare. If it is not -1, then get 
>> the actual length of utf16_javaMessage. And  pass the length of 
>> utf16_javaMessage to WideCharToMultiByte() instead of MESSAGE_LENGTH 
>> to make the code more efficient. Thanks!
> Accepted.
>> -Dan
>> On 07/16/2013 10:49 AM, Martin Buchholz wrote:
>>> Looks OK to me.  As ever, we continue to not have good places within 
>>> the JDK itself for C-level infrastructure - win32Error is not 
>>> specific to the process api, and should really be pulled into some 
>>> common directory - but I don't know of any such.
>>> On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 9:04 AM, Alexey Utkin 
>>> <alexey.utkin at <mailto:alexey.utkin at>> wrote:
>>>     Here is new version of fix:
>>>     <>
>>>     On 7/15/2013 9:08 PM, Martin Buchholz wrote:
>>>>     Superficial review:
>>>>     Looks good mostly.
>>>>     Historically, switching windows code to use "W" APIs has been a
>>>>     big TODO, but was waiting for Win98 de-support.
>>>     In java.lang we have passed the half-way: the error reporting
>>>     sub-system is in the ASCII world.
>>>>     Please spell correctly:
>>>     Thanks, I missed it. Fixed.
>>>>     If errno and GetLastError are two separate error notification
>>>>     systems, how do you know which one corresponded to the last
>>>>     failure?  E.g. if the last failure only set errno, won't the
>>>>     error message be via GetLastError(), which is likely to be stale?
>>>     As Dan mentioned, the os_lasterror was a copy of JVM
>>>     os::lasterror call.
>>>     The error message procedure is used for
>>>        CreatePipe
>>>        CreateProcessW
>>>        GetExitCodeProcess
>>>        WaitForMultipleObjects
>>>     fail report. You are right, all the calls return the problem by
>>>     GetLastMessage call.
>>>     The function is changed (reduced).
>>>     Here is new version of fix:
>>>     <>
>>>     Regards,
>>>     -uta
>>>>     On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 2:41 AM, Alexey Utkin
>>>>     <alexey.utkin at <mailto:alexey.utkin at>> wrote:
>>>>         Bug description:
>>>>         Here is the suggested fix:
>>>>         <>
>>>>         Summary:
>>>>         We have THREE locales in action:
>>>>         1. Thread default locale - dictates UNICODE-to-8bit conversion
>>>>         2. OS locale that defines the message localization
>>>>         3. The file name locale
>>>>         Each locale could be an extended locale, that means that
>>>>         text cannot be mapped to 8bit sequence without multibyte
>>>>         encoding. VM is ready for that, if text is UTF-8.
>>>>         The suggested fix does the work right from the beginning.
>>>>         Unicode version of JVM call:
>>>>              hotspot/src/os/windows/vm/os_windows.cpp:
>>>>                  size_t os::lasterror(char* buf, size_t len)
>>>>         was used as prototype for Unicode error message getter. It
>>>>         has to be fixed accordingly as well as
>>>>          jdk/src/windows/native/java/io/io_util_md.c
>>>>                  size_t getLastErrorString(char *buf, size_t len)
>>>>         The bug contains the attachment
>>>>         that summarize the fix result in comparison with original
>>>>         implementation.
>>>>         Regards,
>>>>         -uta

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