RFR : 8017566 : Backout 8000450 - Cannot access to com.sun.corba.se.impl.orb.ORBImpl

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Tue Jul 23 22:01:17 UTC 2013

On 15/07/2013 01:14, Seán Coffey wrote:
> Mandy,
>> Looks fine to me.   I agree that we should back it out for 7u40. I 
>> would think we want to leave the change in jdk8 and continue the 
>> investigation and resolving the JCK failures for jdk8.  Is that what 
>> you are thinking?  If so, we don't need to back it out from jdk8. 
> I was hoping to back out the fix for both jdk7u40 and jdk8. The setup 
> to reproduce is quite simple (modify package list in java.security) 
> and I think it's not necessary to have JCK failures in jdk8 for the 
> short to medium term as a result.
Have you created a new bug to track doing a more complete fix? It looks 
like ORB.init should be straight-forward to fix to work even if the 
package for the default implementation is on the restricted list.


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